Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Connections Academy Arts And Crafts Club Project - Snowman

Here is this weeks Arts and Crafts club project! 
Look at these adorable snowmen!!! 

I am so glad that I signed the boys up for this club. We get to spend quality time together every weekend working on projects, and the boys really enjoy seeing their hard work come together! 
They are so proud of their creations! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pond Mural

The boys were working a science lesson today (its a Sunday, but we had make up work to do since we missed a day of lessons for our field trip), and as part of an enrichment activity we made a pond mural! The boys had so much fun working together to create the perfect pond! It was so cute watching them bounce ideas off of eachother and putting the perfect finishing touches on their mural!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Kansas Connections Academy Field Trip - Tanganyika Wildlife Park

We had such a great time on our field trip to Tanganyika Wildlife Park! We got to meet our wonderful teachers, we saw some really cool animals during the demonstration, and we got to walk around the park and see and even FEED some of the animals! Such a great day! Thank you Kansas Connections Academy for another FANTASTIC field trip! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Connections Academy Arts and Crafts Club Bookmark Project

We really enjoyed this weeks craft project from our Arts and Crafts Club at Connections Academy!

This weeks project was BOOKMARKS! 

Brandon's Bookmark! 

Jacob's Bookmark! 

Awesome project using just a corner of an envelope and a piece of duct tape! So fun! 

Social Studies Project: My Country, Many Shapes Part 2

We, of course, do not post every lesson we complete, my goodness, this blog would be enormous! However, I do like to post some of our more exciting projects/lessons, and this happens to be one of them! 
My boys have really enjoyed the "My Country, Many Shapes" lesson. In part 1 of the lesson, the boys made a list describing a country that they would make up. They then drew a sketch of this country using details from their list. Finally the boys created a model of their country from the sketch that they made! We all had a lot of fun working with this lesson! 

Jacob's Country 
Jacob's list included that his country had some tall, snowy mountains. Villagers are the people that  lived in Jacob's country. Jacob's country was surrounded by grassy land. Some animals that lived in Jacob's county included Mountain Cows and Pigs. The Mountain Cows and Pigs were used for food. 

Jacob's Sketch:

Brandon's Country 
Brandon's list included that his country was mostly flat land used for raising crops which were used for food. The people in Brandon's country are farmers. Brandon's country is surrounded on three sides by ocean, and one side by land. The animals that live in Brandon's country are dogs, cats, and pigs. The cats and dogs are raised as pets, while the pigs are used for food

Brandon's Sketch: 

Here are some pictures of the boys creating their model! So much fun! 

 Painting the background for our countries. 

Pictures of the models completed! 

Brandon's Model

Brandon's completed assignment ready to turn in to his teacher! 

Jacob's Model

Jacob's assignment ready to turn in to his teacher! 

What a FUN assignment! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

Arts And Crafts Club

The boys signed up for the Arts and Crafts club! Our first project "Alien Friends" is scheduled for Wednesday of this week. Wednesdays are absolutely crazy for us, Jacob attends special education at 9:15 a.m, then both boys have Live Lesson at 12:00, then Jacob has respite services at 3:30 p.m. Needless to say squeezing all of that, our lessons for the day, AND an Art project was NOT going to happen! I decided we will do our Arts and Crafts Projects on the weekends before they are due to avoid having to cram everything in. SO....are first project was completed this weekend. And OF COURSE I have pictures LOL!

Alien Friends Project 

 If you are in this club and are doing this project I have two pointers, first: make sure you leave lots of time to get this done. Drying time for paint and glue takes forever, ESPECIALLY if you have kids like mine who love to make big GOBS of glitter glue ;) LOL 
Second: Do NOT use foam bowls, the paint will NOT stick. We had to make an extra trip to the store to pick up paper bowls after the paint just peeled right off of our foam bowls we painted! Yikes, the boys were a little upset by that. Live and learn I guess! 

Brandon working hard to add details to his spaceship.  

Jacob adding his details to his spaceship, see the big gobs of glitter I mentioned ;) 

Jacob when I told him to smile for the camera LOL 

 a NOT forced smile :) 

Brandon is much easier to get a smile from :) 

 This boy really puts attention to detail :) 

Brandon's Alien

 So cute Mr. Brandon :) 

Jacob's Alien 

 Jacob's Alien wears glasses (like Jacob is SUPPOSED to) 

Lots more work, and time for the details :) 

 Drying Time! :) (About 4 hours to dry completely)

Jacob was so proud of his Alien Friend! 

I just love how these turned out! 

Brandon's new friend :) 

 Well done Mr. Brandon! 

 On display in our home classroom! :)