We did accomplish a LOT this week, and we are already off to a GREAT start. First of all, I have quickly learned to navigate the Time4Learning website. I am able to prepare lessons for the next school day pretty easily, and I know it will get even easier as I get acquainted to the website's features.
I am going to say that I absolutely LOVE Time4Learning so far. I love the Students Activity Scheduler. From here I am able to create an activity plan for a week, a month, or a year! I am doing it by the week for now since we are coming into the curriculum mid year. I also love the Parents Tools feature where I am able to go for information on how to navigate through the website. My favorite feature though is the Student Reports and Information where I am able to see what lessons my kiddos are working on, and what lessons are complete. I am also able to print off reports, such as a weekly attendance report, for our portfolio!
Here are some photos from our first week as homeschoolers! YAY! We are so happy to FINALLY be on this path!
Best of all, because we worked the days and hours we wanted to work, we were able to spend a lovely day at the park that would have been otherwise wasted sitting indoors with our noses to the books! We instead worked in the evening before going to bed! You don't get too many nice days like this in late January!
We are very much looking forward to week 2!