As was mentioned in an earlier post, we started this month mid way through due to an unexpected move. We are quite settled into our new home and our new routine, and despite a few days of unwanted migraines, we have been able to work our summer schedule!
In July the boys have begun beginning multiplication, and beginning division. They continue to work on learning how to count money and tell time. We are going to keep focusing on basic handwriting skills before we go on to learn cursive in 4th grade. I believe the extra time will make the transition to cursive easier. Jacob's reading skills are improving every day despite his learning delays. We take extra time at the end of each evening to practice reading in addition to the reading he does during the school day.
Even with all of this learning going on, we squeeze in time for fun too! We hope now that we are finally settled in, we will have even MORE fun in the month of August! We missed a lot of the summer due to our move, but we plan to make up for lost time in the upcoming month!
Jacob works extra hard!
Brandon works very hard too! Although he acts a bit more silly!
We hope you will keep an eye on our blog for more fun!