Thursday, August 27, 2015

August in Review

August was a really great month. We have transitioned from "Summer School" to our "Full Time" school year schedule now that public schools are back to school for the year. The boys are still catching up from our LONG move over the summer, and we are currently working on finishing up the last of the 2nd grade Language Arts and Language Arts Extensions before we transition into the 3rd Grade Curriculum. We are in no hurry, as long as we are making steady progress, that is really all that matters. It will take us a little while longer to transition to the third grade math, but that's ok too, as the Time4Learning curriculum is a little more advance than what the boys were learning in the traditional schools. 

Here are some of our highlights from the month of August! 

We went to the local museum and seen the Lustron House....

We also seen the Iron Lung machine.....

 And some other fun things from the past! We had a great time
learning and exploring. 

 Lots of worksheet practice

 Play at the park! 

 Bible Study of course! 

 Art Fun!

 More fun at the park!

 Learning with real money instead of worksheets is SO much easier. 

 Water Balloon Target Practice for P.E.

 Social Studies/Art Lesson Vikings! 

 And some Story Sequencing. 

It has been a really great month. We are looking forward to September, cooler weather, and hopefully more time outdoors! Autumn is my favorite time of year, I am really excited for the next couple of months!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tot School in Action

Ricky is ready to start "learning". He has been increasingly interested in what we are doing while we are working on schoolwork. Just a few short months ago, he couldn't care less what we were doing, and he just wanted to play (of course), but now when the bigger boys are working on school, Ricky wants to be involved. Time to hit pintrest for some Early Learning activities! As I have said before in my blog, it is NEVER too early to start learning, and Ricky is certainly showing interest.
On this day while we did school, Ricky worked on some "pre writing". He wrote a very sweet "letter" to his Mommy and Daddy while visiting at Grandma's house for the afternoon. I think it is pretty amazing that this is the first time he has ever picked up a crayon, and he actually held them in his hands to "write". What a smart grandbaby I have on my hands. :)

"Pre Writing"

This actually kept him busy for quite some time. I had to teach him the rules of crayons...."Crayons are for drawing, not throwing Ricky", "Ricky, crayons taste yucky, how about we eat a snack instead", "Ricky we draw on paper, not Nana's book shelves", but he did mostly stick to the paper. I was proud. 

When he was all done writing (about 10 minutes later) he went on to play again. I was surprised the "writing" held his attention as long as it did. Good Job buddy! 

"Play Time"