We have been studying the states of our country, and in each state we learn about foods of that state. If we happen to enjoy that food, we take the recipe from the lesson plan that we use (provided in the lesson) and make, or in this case bake that food. This weeks lesson was about Maine, and the two food choices were lobster, and blueberries. We don't care for seafood, so we chose to make the Blueberry Muffin recipe. It was delicious!
Road Trip USA Lesson Plan by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Road Trip USA Lesson Plan by Confessions of a Homeschooler
We are also going to start working on our cursive writing this summer. Our print is not that great yet, however we have heard that sometimes cursive helps print to improve, so I am hoping this will be the case here. Either way, as long as my boys can write in both print and cursive somewhat legibly when they are adults, I am happy.
We went on a Field Trip to the Kansas Wetlands. We saw a lot of beautiful wildlife and pretty nature. We saw some scary snakes too!
We went on a Camping Trip and took 3 days off of school! How fun! It was a great 3 days. Perfect weather too! Only downfall was we came home with two ticks!
Working on a Language Arts Extensions Lesson from Time4Learning
Picnic Lunch and a little socialization during the school day!
On Memorial Day we taught the boys that the Meaning of Memorial Day was not about picnics and camping but of remembering the fallen warriors that served our country. We also wrote letters to soldiers currently serving our country and made a small donation to a program that helps soldiers.
And of course there is P.E time. Right now, the boys want to do nothing but SWIM, SWIM, AND SWIM! LOL I am certain that will wear off with time, but for now, I say, have at it! We will miss the pool in the winter!
There is lots of reading time. We read for school time, we read for family time! We love to read!
We visited the Santa Fe Trail Wagon Ruts on our way home from a doctors appointment! Bonus! We might have missed part of the day sitting at the computer to learn, but we got to see something really REALLY cool and learn something we might not have otherwise learned that day! Oh! And we also seen an old school house too, which was VERY cool!
And we have had lots and lots of play with Ricky while he Tot Schools, he is just REALLY hard to take pictures of because he is SO fast!
So as you can see we have been VERY busy! If you ever need to contact us, don't hesitate to do so! We are always happy to answer questions about how we do things and what motivates us! We also have a Facebook dedicated to our homeschooling!
Our Homeschooling Journey