Anyway......we are still LOVING Time4Learning. We miss the stories from the L.A. Extensions that we had in the second grade level, but we are slowly adjusting the the 3rd grade L.A. Extensions level, and as we add in our own supplements it becomes more fun every day. We do not do the science and social studies that Time4Learning provides as the boys found it a little dry and boring, so we supplement there as well. The program as a whole though works GREAT for our family and we couldn't be more happy with it. It is definitely worth every penny.
Here are a couple of pictures that we did manage to get in this month!
Grandbaby Ricky enjoys a few minutes of all the attention on himself. He loves learning along with the boys. This month he practiced the color Red, the letter A, and learned the word Apple.
This month we added a BIG trampoline to our yard for P.E/Break Time. This will go great with the slightly larger pool they are getting for Christmas...Shhhh.....that is a secret! It is still a small pool as we do not have a yard large enough for a large pool AND a big trampoline, but it will be big enough for them to swim around in!
Of course we took a day off to visit the Pumpkin Patch! Why go on the weekend when it is packed? Let's go on a weekday when it is empty!
Collecting Postcards for our Virtual Roadtrip. You can find the lesson for this by clicking the Road Trip Binder.

We have a few postcards so far. We will add these to our portfolio and to our bulletin board in our home classroom!
Well we hope you enjoyed our Month of October in Review! And in case you are wondering what kind of SUPER COOL costumes we will be rocking for Halloween this year, we will be:
Steve and Creeper from Minecraft!
Happy Halloween!
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